Our products
Our main software product is the automated system "Enterprise Management" - CE2 (Control Economics).
- Depending on the characteristics of a particular enterprise and the needs of the customer, additional software subsystems can be included in the CE2 system:
- Cost accounting automated system.
- Reference data management system CE2-NSI.
- Financial consolidation software system СЕ2-TOTAL.
- Automated system of reporting in compliance with the US GAAP standards (IFRS standards).
- Automated tax accounting system СЕ2-NALOG.
- Human resource and payroll management software system CE1.
- Software system for integration with SAP.
- Special systems for state-financed organizations:
- Budget management automated system for a federal subject of Russia CE2-BUDGET.
- Cost management automated system for state-financed organizations CE2-SMETA.
CE2 system
The CE2 automated system is an integrated distributed software system "Enterprise management. Accounting and Finance”.
The core principles of CE2 development include complex approach to the problem of automated accounting at an enterprise; soundness of the methodology, scientific approach and the use of mathematical methods for solving problems, the combination of universal methods of processing economic information and individual approach to the problems of a particular enterprise; continuous improvement and expansion of the capabilities of the integrated system.
CE2ORA system

Automated system designed for accounting and tax accounting of large and very large enterprises and for holding companies.
Since OLTP and OLAP components are included in the system, it can be used not only for accounting, but also for management accounting and for analysis.
In addition to the traditional methods of accumulation and systematization of information, the system implements unique calculation algorithms that have no analogues. For example, calculation of the actual cost of products and services, calculation in the context of primary costs, calculation of the average price of materials with respect to the storage locations, automatic generation of financial results, etc.
Due to the highly optimized data structures and the implementation of special algorithms, the system has high-speed characteristics.
The use of full symmetric double-entry bookkeeping ensures the integrity of accounting information and guarantees obtaining a complete package of coherent financial statements for a current period.
Enterprise cost management system for large and very large enterprises and for holding companies.
The system is based on a flexible matrix model, so it can be effectively used at enterprises of an arbitrarily complex organizational structure with a complicated production process and a rich set of internal relationships.
The simplicity and flexibility of the system setup are beneficial for quick reaction to any reorganization of business processes, as well as to any change in the organizational structure of an enterprise.
The system is focused on the calculation of costs by various methods.
For example, the following indicators can be calculated:
- the actual cost;
- the cost of sales;
- the direct cost;
- the prime cost in compliance with the rules of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
- the prime cost in compliance with the IFRS rules;
- the prime cost within the group of companies (by transfer prices and/or by prime cost)
- the total cost (considering all types of expenses).
The possibility of repeated calculations allows you to quickly calculate costs based on the available data, and then refine them as more information is received. Thus, high efficiency is achieved without compromising quality and reliability.
Reference data management system CE2-NSI.
Automated system designed to manage reference data.
This system was developed as a part of the accounting and tax accounting automated system. However, in terms of its functionality, the system can be effectively used as the basis of a corporate information system that supports any information processes.
Due to its design features, the system can provide storage, processing and provision of persistent and semi-persistent data to users of the system at a high level of quality.
The flexibility of structural construction and modification allows us to satisfy not only current, but also perspective needs of an enterprise, and to always correspond to the level of development of the corporate information system.
СЕ2-TOTAL system
Financial consolidation software system for enterprises.
Financial consolidation software system for enterprises СЕ2-Total provides:
- input of statements of an arbitrary form, both manual and automated (import from other subsystems);
- automated verification;
- consolidation of financial statements across the entire hierarchy of subordination;
- automatic calculation of indicators of any complexity, including economic efficiency indicators;
- visualization of indicators in the form of graphs and tables, integration with the "Microsoft Office" software package.
The CE2-TOTAL system is designed for both state organizations and private enterprises.
Installing the system directly at enterprises allows the end users to verify data directly and significantly speeds up the laborious procedure of collecting and controlling financial statements.
The software system allows you to analyze data for different time periods, as well as for different groups of enterprises and to generate tables and graphs of different structures.
Install demo version of CE2-TOTAL Download installation instructions for CE2-TOTAL Download CE2-TOTAL User Manual
CE2-GAAP system
Based on the Russian accounting system, automated parallel accounting in USD can be organized in compliance with all the US GAAP IAS principles (IFRS).
This approach provides reliability and efficiency of reporting by international standards.
CE2-NALOG system
Automated tax accounting system.
The automated system of tax accounting CE2-Nalog is designed to achieve the main goal - minimization of tax risk while minimizing the taxable base in conditions of insufficient regulation of the legislative base and its volatility, a huge volume of primary documents and a high cost of risk.
The following conceptual solution to the problem of tax accounting has been implemented in the system:
- The organization of tax accounting on the basis of primary accounting information, unified for accounting and management accounting (data on external costs in accrual terms, information on internal business volume - in quantitative terms).
- Detailed accounting for the purpose of unambiguous interpretation of each transaction in terms of tax accounting.
- Transformation of primary accounting information in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
CE1 system

The distributed software system "Human resource and payroll management system" can be integrated with related accounting and human resource management systems.
The system can be integrated with adjacent accounting and human resources management systems.
The CE1/CE1Ora system has been designed to automate human resource and payroll management at large enterprises of various industries based on developer’s twenty years of experience in this field in modern conditions.
SAP integration
The possibility of integration of CE2ORA system with SAP-ERP system was proven by practical implementation at the Rosenergoatom Concern JSC.
Various information exchange mechanisms were used in the implemented integration solution:
- exchanging XML packages for online information exchange;
- directly updating Oracle database;
- providing Ce2Ora access to SAP-ERP data for direct queries in compliance with the access rights.
Integration flows provide the exchange of reference information, business transactions data, and calculated data.
Document coordination between the two systems has been implemented and put into practice.
Information on the relevant economic content has been used in the development of integration flows.
The accounting rules have been automatically determined in Ce2Ora depending on business transaction type.